Choosing Freedom After Being Wounded to the Core and Beyond
Satan is the accuser. Those who do nothing but accuse are following his ways. But Jesus forgives—forgiving even those who imposed unbelievable amounts of pain on him. Therefore, even through indescribable pain ... Christians choose to forgive. That is the model set forth by the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth who came in the flesh.
In another 'near death experience' interview I listened to yesterday, a woman was going to be denied help from God and Jesus if she chose not to forgive. It caused me to start crying immediately—She THOUGHT she forgave, but Jesus showed her it wasn't real. I realized that even if we THINK we forgave someone, if we don't truly do it in our hearts, we run the risk of being denied.
In giving us what's called 'the Lord's prayer,' Jesus said we're to ask God to forgive us our trespasses (sins) in the same way that we forgive those who trespass (sin) against us.
When we've been hurt deeply—wounded to our core and beyond—it can be a most difficult thing to forgive (I speak with experience). But if we want the Lord to forgive our sins, we must forgive those who sin against us. The way of the Lord is forgiveness and healing, not criticizing, blaming, or bitterness.
Which will you choose?
Please note– The name on the substack is “Keep the Republic,” and previously, all I wrote about were social and political issues. However, lately I’ve come to realize that we can save (keep) the Republic all we want, but until we return our country to its Biblical roots – and unless people realize the truth found in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 (, then what does it really matter? If the Republic gets saved but people are still marching into hell, then what good does it do?
With this shift of focus I’m reaching out globally to redirect people’s attention to God. Nobody is paying me wages to do this, so if you feel so led, I welcome and I give thanks to paid subscribers (monthly or annually or whatever) to this substack. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions — and I thank you in advance for your support.
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Daniel Bobinski, Th.D., is an international bestselling author, a certified behavioral analyst, and for 35 years he’s been a corporate trainer and executive coach. In 2019, before the dreaded virus, he began writing for UncoverDC and RedState. He now works to direct people’s attention to the need to look to the Author and Finisher of our faith, because even if we save the Republic, what does it matter if our souls are still going to Hell?