Normal is gone. The new normal is chaos, and the powers-that-be want it that way. The only way they can implement their neo-Marxist globalist agenda is to tear down what is and rebuild it with what they want.
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And what do they want? Power and control. Except they know they can’t sell you on giving them power and control. Well, not without creating a global uprising that will end up with them being dead and headless. So, to avoid them experiencing a gruesome demise, every aspect of global control is coming at us with the shiny, gleaming sparkle of “it’s for your best interest.” “It will make your life easier.” “It’s going to make everything more convenient.”
Translated: It’s for your best interest if you follow their dictates instead of looking down the barrel of gun held by a soldier wearing a blue helmet.
It’ll make your life easier if you choose to follow their dictates instead of being rounded up and dropped off at a FEMA camp.
And your life will be more convenient if you can buy food at the grocery store using their digital technology (and being tracked by it), as opposed to scrounging and begging for food on the black market.
Call me a skeptic. Call me a conspiracy theorist. I. Really. Don’t. Care.
The Theories Are Coming True
When I was 18, I began reading about the Bilderberg Group and watching other predictions made by the “theorists.” I didn’t join any of their groups, and no, I didn’t make a big deal about what they were putting out there.
But I watched.
I took notes.
And I learned.
And I’m now in my 60s. Wouldn’t you know, world events might not follow the “theorists’” predictions completely, but they come darn close. Those grasping for power and control know how to pull levers and manipulate world events. And, as Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum (WEF) so proudly brags, they have “penetrated governments.”
Newsflash – When our real-life James Bond villain and his ilk openly brag about it, it’s no longer a “theory.”
The Big Bad Virus
For example, when the big bad virus came along (aka “was released”), almost all world leaders reacted the same way. In America, almost every state rolled out the recommendations made by the WEF. When that happened, it was obvious (to me) that what was happening was planned. The lockdowns and the money thrown at contact tracing were the overt beginning (or a trial run) for taking control of the world’s population. Some places were worse than others. I felt sorry for the Hawaiians, the Australians, and the New Zealanders. Talk about Nazi-Fascist crackdowns.
In fact, New Zealand just doubled down and authorized the use of police force to shove unwanted needles into people’s arms.
However, I’m not going down that path today, because that deception and the crimes against humanity behind all of that deserve an entire book.
No, today I simply want to call your attention to the fact that the world’s power brokers have not given up. Despite millions of people now waking up and seeing that SARS-CoV-2 was the world’s most massive, deadly, manipulative crime, the power players are playing on, devising new tactics and trusting that enough people will remain sheep, following the narrative that appears on the nightly news.
Fear is a powerful motivator. As the world’s most trained and ethical health expert Bill Gates told us, “Wait until the next one. That will really get their attention.”
Whatever could that diabolical, pathological narcissist be planning?
Ask Yourself This
Why did the Food and Drug Administration recently issue an Emergency Health Authorization for a bird flu vaccine, when they don’t have a CLUE what strain of flu might come our way, let alone what kind of mutations it will have?
Answer: It. Is. A. Scam.
Follow. The. Money.
Call me a skeptic. Call me a conspiracy theorist. I. Really. Don’t. Care.
In my opinion, the powers-that-be are playing multiple facets of human fear. Not only do they seek power and control, they also want to pad their pockets some more. In 2020, amidst all the lockdowns and fear, the largest wealth transfer in the history of the world took place. The middle class shrank; the top 1% got phenomenally richer. Not that the legacy media ever reported that.
More Scam, More Money
Regarding the creation and sale of our so-called Covid-19 “vaccines” (they were not vaccines – mRNA technology is gene therapy), here’s how the profits played out:
Pfizer: $35 Billion
BioNTech: $20 Billion
Moderna: $20 Billion
Johnson & Johnson: $4.6 Billion
Sinovac (China): $90 Billion
Look at all the research that is finally coming out after being suppressed for so long. Since the release of the much-touted mRNA injections, cancers have skyrocketed. Excess deaths have skyrocketed. Unexplained heart attacks and “sudden deaths” in teens and young adults have shocked the nation.
Yet the power players, the medical industrial complex, and the legacy media act dumbfounded as to why.
These health issues (and more) magically appeared after the rollout of mRNA injections. It is a crime that so many prostitutes in the medical profession and legacy media turn their heads while still holding out their hands to collect their paychecks. And kickbacks.
It. Is. A. Scam.
The upcoming Plandemic 2 (be it bird flu or whatever they decide to foist on us) will do several things.
Instill greater fear than the last Plandemic
Cause even some of the newly awake to believe the new propaganda
Refill the coffers of Big Pharma companies, who dearly miss their huge profits
Give the neo-Marxist globalists another avenue to take control
The old normal is gone. The new normal is massive lies and deception in which the world’s power brokers disregard the dreams and desires of world’s population so they they force their “we know best” actions and policies upon us.
Those policies will be for your best interest.
They will make your lives easier.
They will make everything more convenient.
At this point, I strongly believe that anyone going along with their deceptions will become their slave. And they may die suddenly. Or develop a fast-growing cancer.
Or ….
I’m not saying any of this to be a fear-mongerer. I’m saying this because the global power elite are the fear-mongerers, and I’m hoping you choose not to succumb.
© 2024 Shadowtrail Media, LLC
© 2024 Newsforia, LLC
Daniel Bobinski, Th.D., is an international bestselling author, a certified behavioral analyst, and for 35 years he’s been a corporate trainer and executive coach. In 2019, before the dreaded virus, he began writing for UncoverDC and RedState. He now hosts his own TV show, Keep the Republic, and does a podcast with Ambassador Alan Keyes, called “After Hours with Bobinski and Keyes.”
They're gonna kill us all. It couldn't be more obvious they plan to wipe out most of humanity, leaving just enough of us (them) to service the technocracy.
Sometimes when you release a wild animal it will come back and bite you. Also, I believe that while blue hats plan more scams there are some countries that have had people in basements cooking up problems which will become the real Pan2. These countries are not going down without taking the world with them.