Why is the U.S. Funding LGBT+ Activities Overseas?
Here’s a question for your elected representatives.
“What strategic interests are served using our tax money
to promote transsexual activities in foreign countries?”
More than a billion dollars each year are doled out by the Department of State, the Department of Health and Human Services, and the US Agency for International Development in the form of grants to support LGBTQ initiatives worldwide.
Why were half a million of your tax dollars given as a grant to Serbia to empower the LGBT community there?
Why were a million of your tax dollars given as a grant to Armenia, to do the same thing?
Over the past three years, more than $4 BILLION of our money has been funding LGBT initiatives in places like Nigeria, South Africa, and China, including in schools.
Again, a great question to ask your elected representatives: “What is the strategic value of using our tax dollars for these purposes?”
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