The dissing of God will continue and will eventually turn into persecution of Christians in America that of which now just a shadow of what will come.

It's a spiritual war.

No man, no government, no religion, philosophy, etc. will stop what is now occurring around the world. And that goes for our churches which have based their organizations (denominations) after mans organizations, not Gods Pattern for His Church and Families.

Man's churches are failing as we enter the end of days of which we have been forewarned.

I started to write a letter years ago to my family which turned into a website. Money has no value there, no trips to Alaska, no books to purchase, no - none of that.

Man's Churches have assumed to themselves priesthoods and authority (as they supposed) thereby dividing believers one against another. They also assumed responsibilities which God ordained and appointed for Men and Women (The Family) – not men’s churches. This is why Christian Families are failing at the same rate as secular families.

What is God’s Church?

It’s Jesus Christ and Born Again Believers having the indwelling of the Holy Spirit our True Guide, our True Teacher, our True Comforter along with God’s Word and the Testimony of His Creation. They are the living breathing Church Of God, adopted Sons and Daughters of God destined to be with Him throughout eternity.

If nothing else, at the top of the home page please read from: God’s Family - God’s Church - Message of the Temple Veil, and the Women at the well - Rebuild Restore Rebuild.

Best to all and your loved ones in Jesus Christ – Daniel


But wait……read this first:

Want to know who the Prince of this world is and who are his followers?

First read the 10 Commandments as given in your Bible. (1 thru 10 “Thou shalt nots”)

Then read the Commandments again starting from the 10th command first

(10 thru 1) but instead of “Thou shalt not”…say to yourself…”Thou Shalt” and you will know for yourself who is the god of this present world is and who are those who follow him. Think about it.

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I have said the prayers so that our nation turns to God and we see fair and honest elections with honest politicians following what the original constitutionalists intended! Our founding fathers were smarter than what we have today!

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Praying for a solution which has been already provided? Endowed with the Holy Spirit, Christians need be part of the solution. We need to act, teach, reproach, participate in public discourse and fight for our faith, families, children, and grandchildren.

Pray...absolutely, but act!!!!! To many church leaders take and advocate the path or moral cowardice.

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Dissing God? That's been going on as long as I've been alive. Let them. God is not mocked.

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The Church means nothing if they vote for the devil again this time. You will all be judged by A HOLY God for all the church members stayed home and did not vote. You are the people that crucified Christ and asked for Barrabas's pardon. Pure evil to allow Biden to present the abomination on the Day of Rememberance of what Jesus has done for us. The Church failed

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Democrats cheated. Biden did not actually get 81 million votes. He probably got about 30 million. Trump received over 100 million. Democrats cheated very hard. I’m certain that I am 100% correct.

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you're either stupid or a dishonest liar

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This is excellent, thank you.

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Atlas Shrugged. I am John Galt.

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Thank you for sharing your thoughts about Easter. Someone in high places must not want your message to get out for I cannot access it on my phone. The site comes up for about 2 seconds and the screen goes blank. I know it is censorship because it also does it on sites like Alex Jones' Info Wars. I can access it on my computer, but not my phone. Not sure to whom I should complain.

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